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At CELSIUS, we know that our people represent you. This is why we uphold a strong commitment to their training, starting with our comprehensive, industry-leading training curriculum. OUR TRAINING PROGRAM CONSISTS OF FOUR PHASES

  • Training in our state of the art training facility
  • On-the-job live-real time training with live monitoring and reinforcement
  • Continuing professional development
  • On-Going Grammar and voice accent training

All our training courses are designed to develop your agents based on the unique needs and requirements of each client. This program is supported throughout our organization and serves as the foundation of our customer experience excellence. Through partnerships with the various CELSIUS business units that include Quality Assurance, Client Services, and Work Force Management Teams, agents receive the most up-to-date information and learn standard operating procedures, such as:

  • Knowing who our customers are and their needs
  • Understanding our client requirements and their specific training materials/tools
  • Partnering with our client and CELSIUS business areas to ensure all customer needs are met
  • Establishing a standardization of programs and processes that support our client goals

Once training is complete, agents are required to pass a skills test that assures your customers are receiving the highest level of service.